can we test for defect in hearing or the exact word, how can be sure that a person is deaf or not?
we have two test. Rinne and Weber test.
this two test is only using a tuning fork.
the procedure:
Rinne test- put the vibrating tuning fork on the patient's mastoid process
- ask him/her either he/she hear the vibration or not.
- if yes, tell him/her to tell you if the sound stop ( if he/she cant hear the sound anymore).
- once the vibration sound stop, direct the tuning fork beside his/her ear.
- ask him/her the same question.
- test for the opposite ear.
result: on the left/right ear - if he/she can hear the sound while the tuning was put on his mastoid process but can't hear the sound when it is put beside the ear, we get Rinne negative.
this mean that the patient suffer from conductive deafness in defect ear.
what can be the causes of conductive deafness?
first of all, we must define what is meant by Conductive Deafness.
conductive deafness is impairment of sound transmission in the external or middle ear.
the possible causes:
1) obstruction of the external auditory meatus with wax or foreign substance.
2) closure of eustachian tube, resulting in negative pressure in the middle ear.
3) damage of tympanic membrane(eardrum)
4) destruction of auditory ossicles either cause by tumour or trauma.
important point: in this type of deafness, the cochlea and nerve are still intact, so sound waves can be conducted into the cochlea through bone conduction.
Weber test- put the vibrating tuning fork on top of the patient's head.
- ask him/her if he/she can hear or not the vibration sound.
- if yes, ask him/her if the sound he/she heard is same on the both side of ear ( intensity )
result: if the patient mention that he/she can hear better on the right ear that means, he/she either have Conductive Deafness on the the right ear or Nerve Deafness on the left ear. (vice versa)
what is nerve deafness?
nerve deafness ( sensorineural deafness ) is impaired sound transmission in cochlea or damage to auditory pathway.
1) damage of basilar membrane because of the high intensity of sound.
2) damage of hair cells may be because of prolong antibiotic.
3) damage of cochlear like in tumor.
4) damage of hearing pathway beyond the cochlear nerve.
5) damage of auditory cortex
the person is completely deaf if his/her cochlear, nerve and auditory cortex damage.
Important point: air and bone conduction are still impaired but the patient can't hear.
*saje je nak kongsi something yang saya belajar hari ni. kepada budak2 second year alex u, selamat menempuh musim peperiksaan. Bitaufik wa nagah.