Sunday, May 8, 2011

as i recited the Quran,
my tears kept falling down.
i tried to stop.
but the harder i tried the tears just kept coming.
my reading became slower and slower.
but still i need to finish it.

i tried not to remember.
still it kept coming.
the memories.
unforgettable memories.
hurtful memories.
her memories.

i tried to be stronger.
like i used to be that time.
stronger like him.
tougher like him.

but my eyes were very hurt.
i couldnt resist it
and the tears kept falling and falling down.
until the last sentence.


miss asilah said...

tk... mu ingat mak ke?

ZURI YANIE said...

keep faith :(

Allah love her more than us

She like no others

Izyan Hamizi said...

tk, insyaAllah kita sama2 doa agar kedua2 ibu ayah kita ditempatkan dalam golongan para solihin. and they will always be blessed in this world and hereafter. :)

be strong tk ^^

Izyan Hanis said...

stay strong tk